Archive for September 2008

Junior dah berbeza, Senior sama sahaja ke?

Dengan nama Allah yang menciptakan manusia yang berbeza2 umur...
Selaut cinta buat contoh sahabat paling sejati 'Muhammad Bin Abdullah' serta semua insan2 yang sedang membaca...

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Seusai me'review' kembali lecture2 hari ini di maktabah, pantas saya gerakkan kaki ini melangkah ke shuun talabah a.k.a bahagian hal ehwal pelajar,sedikit urusan perlu diselesaikan. Berjalan seorang diri, tanpa teman.

Dalam saya sedang bergerak ke pejabat, tiba2 saya ditegur oleh 2 orang pelajar Malaysia. Wajah yang agak asing.Confirm Junior 1st year ni! Alamak, masalah2.. sebab diorang ni junior syabab.Kelam kabut saya jadinya. Haiishh, perkara yang paling cuba dielakkan, ditegur oleh mana2 syabab di tengah jalan especially ketika berseorangan. (-->ntahpapeje)

"Akak,tumpang tanya boleh?" tanya junior tersebut. Nampaknya dia pun teragak2 nak bertanya. Mungkin dia memang pemalu, ataupun dia malu bila tgok saya macam malu.

"Boleh2... ada apa yek?" profesional sahaja saya menjawab. Walaupun sebenarnya malu, muamalat kena stabil. Takkan nak malu2 tak bertempat. Beza khojal dan haya' kena jelas.

"Kat mana yek tempat nak buat P.O.Box?"

Gulp! Ooopss.. hampir luruh gigi2 saya mendengar soalannya. terkedu sebentar.

Inilah akibat menumpang di P.O.Box sahabat selama ini, langsung tiada secebis pengalaman mahupun pengetahuan tentang asal-usul P.O.Box di universiti ini. Pengajaran utk saya. Sila buat P.O.Box sendiri esok!!!

"Maaf, tak tahulah!" Terpampang wajah kehampaan. Sedihnya...

"OKlah kak, tak apa. terima kasih yek!"

Selepas beberapa langkah meninggalkan mereka, berhenti sebentar dan berpatah balik. Amatlah tidak sampai hati ini, kembali mendapatkan mereka dan meminta mereka tunggu sebentar sementara saya cuba menghubungi sahabat2 yang confirm ada P.O.Box ni...

Kejam pula sekiranya meninggalkan mereka terkontang kanting mencari tempat tersebut di JUST yang amatlah besar ni. Belum sampai 2 bulan lagi disini, selok-belok universiti pun masih samar2 lagi. Kemungkinan sahaja pusing2,sesat tempat yang sama.

Tambahan pula, apabila mendengarkan kata nama "akak" yang digunakan, alahai tersentuh sungguh hati kecil ini. Betapa adik2 junior ini menghormati dan memandang tinggi senior2 mereka.. menganggap senior2 dengan pengetahuan yang mantap, penguasaan bahasa arab yang baik, pengalaman yang banyak. Fuh! tinggi sungguh expectation mereka.

Adakah saya sudah bersedia?

Lantas saya tersedar, saya sudah menjadi senior sekarang!!! OoO.. I really should act like a muslim senior...hoho~

Pulang sahaja dari Malaysia, sibuk sahabat bertanya "Junior2 panggil apa? Akak ke nama je?" Baiklah saya mengaku,walaupun secara rasminya, saya bukanlah kakak mereka kerana tiada perbezaan umur antara saya dan 1st Year tahun ini. Tapi saya senang membahasakan diri saya sebagai kakak kerana rasa kasih ke'kakak'an yang melimpah, semangat benar nak dapat adik2.

Adik2 untuk diberi kasih sayang dan perhatian kakak2. Adik2 untuk diberi bantuan dan panduan hidup di Jordan ini. Adik2 utk ditarik bersama merasa hidup dalam tarbiyah islam. Adik2 sebagai penyambung rantai2 dakwah, sama2 berganding bahu meneruskan perjalanan di atas jalan ini dan pastinya adik2 utk diberikan nota2, buku2 1st year

sayang adek!

Melalui pemerhatian, macam2 reaksi sahabat2 yang baru jadi senior ni (-->kita2 yang baru 2nd year la ni).

1)Ada yang takut dan cuba larikan diri dari jumpa adik2...atau
2)Ada gak yang biasa2 dan tiada sebarang perasaan langsung pada adik2...dan
3)Ada jugak yang bersemangat nak kenal dan bertaaruf dengan adik2...

Entry kali ini utk kita semua my dear friends, kenapa kita perlu tergolong dalam manusia2 bernombor 1 dan 2? Ada yang berkata adik2 ni nampak lebih hebat/thiqah/mantap dll, rasa rendah diri la pulak. Tak dinafikan, tetapi kita tetap punya sesuatu atau banyak suatu yang lebih dari mereka. Erti hidup pada memberi kan? Hah, sekarang baru nak menyesal kerana tak menyiapkan diri utk menerima adik2 baru. Sampai bila kita hendak jadi junior sahaja, sampai bila kita asyik hidup dengan menerima sahaja... oo.. senior2 ku sekalian~

Pertambahan umur perlulah berkadar langsung dengan pertambahan peranan dan tanggungjawab.

Apabila adik2 yang merupakan pemuda2 masih berjiwa hebat dan berpotensi besar ini tidak diberi perhatian, macam2 masalah mungkin timbul. Apabila junior akhwat tak merasakan kasih sayang dan bantuan daripada senior2 akhawat, mungkin mereka akan mencarinya dari senior2 syabab. begitu juga sebaliknya. Dan pastinya ini bukan yang terbaik. masing2 main peranan masing2. Jom, kita sama2 berusaha menjadi senior2 muslim, bukan setakat doktor muslim mahupun sekadar pelajar muslim. Sekadar perkongsian...doakan saya menjadi kakak dan adik yang terbaik. InsyaAllah saya sedang berusaha ^_^

Siapakah abang terbaik didunia?

Ok. Jawapannya dalam al-Quran surah taha 20:29-35

"..dan jadikanlah untukku seorang pembantu dari keluargaku, (iaitu) Harun, saudaraku. teguhkanlah kekuatan ku dengan adanya dia, dan jadikanlah dia teman dalam urusanku, agar kami banyak bertasbih kepadamu, dan banyak mengingatMu. Sesungguhnya Engkau maha melihat Kami"

Kisah Musa yg berdoa kepada tuhannya agar mengurniakan nikmat kenabian kepada adiknya Harun~

Mengapa saya katakan baginda merupakan abang terbaik didunia. Kerana baginda telah memberikan nabi Harun, adiknya nikmat paling best, yang tiada siapa mampu untuk memberi nikmat yang sama.

Inilah Nikmat terbesar.
Nikmat terhebat... iaitu

Nikmat Kenabian.
Nikmat Islam.
Nikmat Dakwah.

Mampukah kita menjadi abang/kakak/senior seperti nabi Musa?

Bukan setakat Senior yang membawa adik2nya ke jalan Allah malah menjadikan adik2 ini penyambung kerja2 nabi utk menyampaikan islam ke seluruh alam. Nikmat kenabian yang bukan kenabian. Apakah nikmat yang lebih besar dari ini?

Ya Allah, Semoga Allah membantu kita semua dan mengikat hati2 kita dalam akidahnya~

p/s: entry ini bukanlah utk adik2 1st year,tapi anda semua digalakkan utk baca blik tahun depan k... dan utk kakak2 seniorku yang amat disayangi, andalah the best! jgn lupakan adik2 yang dah besar sedikit ni walaupun dah dapat adik2 baru yek.

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::bait muslim kita::

Dengan Nama Allah tuhan sepanjang tahun... rejab, syawal mahupun RAMADHAN
Salam ramadhan buat yang dirindui 'Muhammad bin Abdullah' serta marketer2 islam sekalian...

jom!!! baca ni sampai habis tau... take ur time.. agak panjang tetapi HEBAT! Sila baca dengan hati terbuka dan buang "chocker2" di leher anda ok...

The following story is about a family of Prophets. The family is that of Imran (or Al-Imran). It consists of a grandfather named Imran and his virtuous wife whose name was not mentioned. All of the righteous things in this story are because of this great woman who was a grandmother that produced an honorable and faithful family.

Carta pokok keluarga 'Imran

Imran and his wife had two daughters. The eldest one was the wife of Prophet Zakareya (AS) (Zacharya). The younger daughter was born long after the first and she is Maryam (AS) (Mary). The elder sister is the mother of the Prophet Yahya (AS) (John) and the young sister is the mother of the Prophet Isa (AS) (Jesus). One cannot help but imagine how great this family tree is and how they used to live together. Their story is a long one. We will divide it into two parts.

Kaya VS Keturunan VS Kecantikan VS Agama

We don’t know whether that family was rich or not because it was a simple family. Nevertheless, the most important thing is that it was a faithful family of which had the honor of being mentioned in the Holy Qur’an until the Day of Judgment.

I wonder how our families are nowadays? Are you only concerned with your family’s name and if it is a famous family that has a doctor and a judge? Or is it more important to have a family that is devoted and close to Allah? A Surah in the Qur’an has been named after the Imran family. This shows that Allah mentions families because of their faith and not because of their property.

Oh youth, what is your priority when seeking marriage? Is it the family’s name or its money? Are you concerned with a family whose name is only famous on earth, or one whose name is mentioned in the sky? After all, do you not wish that your family, like the family of Imran, becomes mentioned by Almighty Allah? Or are you only looking for beauty regardless of her religious state? In addition, how does a woman imagine her future husband? Since today's topic is about a faithful family I wanted to remind you about your future plans in establishing a family.

The family of Imran is the last family of the people of Israel with its last Prophets as well because after the Prophet Isa the prophecy ended among the people of Israel. The Prophet Yahya is older than the Prophet Isa by approximately three years. The family of Imran are from the family of Prophets Dawud (AS) (David) and Sulaiman (AS) (Solomon) for the great grandfather of the Prophet Zakareya and Imran is from Dawud and Sulaiman. We can therefore notice that the chain of Prophets is connected to one another and it’s not a coincidence. This can also be seen with Prophet Muhammad‘s grandfather who was the Prophet Isma’il (AS) (Ishmael) and that Prophet Yusuf's (AS) (Joseph) great grandfather was Prophet Ibrahim.

What can be seen from this is that Allah blesses the family that has a religious member and these blessings continue with the offspring. It is a universal rule that any family with a religious person that passed away must have one or more good religious people from the person's offspring. When you see a religious youth you should know that in his family there must have been a religious grandparent or great-grandparents.

The verse “Offspring, one of the other” (Al-Imran: 34)

(1) indicates that people acquire faith from one another. Hence, establishing a religious and obedient family guarantees religious offspring.

I direct this to the parents who are worried about their teenagers. Surely, do not worry if you are obedient towards Allah because if your teenager gets lost Allah will bring him back. I have seen this occur in many families that are close to Allah. It is also noticed in many stories in the Holy Qur’an. One of these stories is of the wall which Allah ordered Al-Khidr to build for the two young orphan boys until they get older. This is because of their good father as Allah mentioned in Surat Al-Kahf, which can be translated as, "and their father was a righteous man" (TMQ, Al-Kahf: 82). The adolescence stage will eventually end and they will return once again to their religion.

Center of humanity

Let us begin the story with the following verse that can be translated as, "Allâh chose Adam, Nûh (Noah), the family of Ibrâhîm (Abraham) and the family of ‘Imrân above the ‘Âlamîn (mankind and jinn) (of their times)." (Al-Imran: 33).

Why did Allah choose them above all people? That is because they are the centre of humanity. Adam is the first father of humanity. Nuh (AS) (Noah) is the second because after the flood all of Adam’s offspring drowned. It addition, Prophet Ibrahim is the father of all Prophets. From his son, the Prophet Ishaq (AS) (Isaac), came all the Prophets of the people of Israel and they are Yaqub (AS) (Jacob), Yusuf (AS) (Joseph), Al-Asbat, Dawud, Sulaiman, Shoaib, Yunus and Ayyub. From the Prophet Ismail came our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet Muhammad is thus from the family of Ibrahim.

The family of Imran are Zakareya, Yahya, Maryam and Isa (Imran was not a Prophet but the prophethood came from his offspring). We therefore notice from the previous verse that Allah chose Adam and Nuh, the family of Imran and Ibrahim

Allah pilih?

Yet what is the meaning of the word 'choose' in that verse? Choose means select. This implies that Allah looked into the hearts of His beings and selected the most obedient ones to be His Prophets. This is mentioned in a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Allah then looked into the hearts of His Prophets and selected the leaders, who are Nuh, Ibrahim, Isa, Musa and our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

We must realize that we are from the group of the selected ones. By selecting the Prophets, He also selected us as Muslims as proof that you pray and so forth. It should then be considered as a form of selection too.

There is also an important meaning that I wish to clarify. When Allah says what can be translated as, “Offspring, one of the other” the meaning here is not the way they are alike in terms of looks but how they resemble each other in their faith, good intentions, their love towards Allah, and being devoted worshippers.

Cara nak faham surah2 Al-quran

We might also wonder why the Surah was called after the family of Imran. By understanding the events in each Surah of the Holy Qur'an we would understand the reason behind its name. The name of any Surah is related to the events mentioned in it. After all, do you think that the names are random? And who named each Surah in the Qur'an?

Jibril (AS) (Gabriel) used to deliver the verses and the Surah in an ordered arrangement to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

We may also question why Surat An-Nur was given that name. It is not only because it has a verse where Allah says what can be translated as, "Allâh is the Light of the heavens and the earth" (TMQ, An-Nur: 35) because there are many events that are related to that name. This applies to every Surah and we can then choose some and explain whey they were called in that way.

One must know more about the nature of the Surah. For example, Surah Al-Baqara was the first Surah revealed in Madinah. The Surah remained open meaning that Jibril did not deliver its’ verses to the Prophet all at once because in the same time there was other verses from other Surah sent down. It was Jibril that taught our Prophet the arrangement of the verses and Surahs. The Prophet used to meet forty companions that wrote the Qur’an. Some people think that the Qur’an was written after the death of the Prophet, but that is wrong because the companions wrote it in the same arrangement they got from the Prophet. After the death of the Prophet the caliph Abu-Bakr collected all the writings of the companions until the Qur'an was put together.

There is also a misconception that the Sunnah has been written after the death of the Prophet. Just as there were companions that wrote down the revelations, there were others that wrote the Sunnah of the Prophet. The Prophet said: "Write from me the Qur’an but not anything else." The Prophet directed this to the 40 companions who were responsible for writing the Qur'an. The other companions were writing the Sunnah. Is it not logical to preserve the Prophet's Sunnah? Allah says what can be translated as, " Verily, We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’ân) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)" (TMQ, Al-Hijr: 9) This verse encompasses the Qur'an and Sunnah. After all, Dhikr is religion as a whole. We pray four rak'as, give 2.5 % as Zakat of our yearly income, and all of these details are not found in the Qur'an but in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hence, those that wrote the Ahadith of the Prophet are not the same as those that wrote the revelations.

surah al-baqarah

Let us return to Surat Al-Baqara which was revealed in Medina during his first years there. What does this Surah deal with? It deals with the companions who, as a new generation, will establish a Muslim nation. In other words, it will be the beginning of a new nation. After the nation of the people of Israel, a new nation will be established which replaces the previous nation since it is chosen by Allah. Glory be to Allah Who began telling them about the Jews and their grave mistakes in order to learn and avoid making the same mistakes of the people of Israel. As it can be seen, this Surah mentions all of their mistakes. It is the only Surah that mentions all of their wrongdoings. Some of these are their extreme disputes (as in when Musa ordered them to slaughter the cow), their ill-manners and disrespectfulness towards the messengers, disobeying Allah, and being greatly materialistic. They therefore had the most dangerous elements that can be present in a nation. Allah named this Surat 'Al-Baqara' because it describes the problems of a previous nation before Islam more than any other Surah.

surah an-nur

Moreover, why was Surat An-Nur given that name? It could be because there is a verse in which Allah says what can be translated as, "Allâh is the Light of the heavens and the earth" (TMQ, An-Nur: 35). However, it has many other verses which are approximately more than 90. This Surah teaches us how to protect our society from getting lost. It gives the punishment of adultery and the prohibition of accusing any woman in her honor unless there are four witnesses and if she is innocent the accuser's punishment is 80 whips. It also mentions the importance of quickly marrying the youth, entering homes with permission, the obligation of wearing a head scarf, and lowering one's gaze. If everything in the Surah is applied then the society will be guaranteed righteousness, and will thus become bright. Who is this source of bright light? It is Allah, because "Allâh is the Light of the heavens and the earth".

Furthermore, where will this light be? It will be, "In houses (mosques) which Allâh has ordered to be raised (to be cleaned, and to be honored)" (TMQ, An-Nur: 36). This means the mosques. In addition, upon whom does this light descend? It will descend on, "Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the Remembrance of Allâh (with heart and tongue)" (TMQ, An-Nur: 37). Anyone who refuses to walk in this light should consider the following verse that can be translated as, "Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allâh” (TMQ, An-Nur: 40).

surah an-nisa'

Let us also explore Surat An-Nisaa. Why was it called Surat An-Nisaa'? The Surah talks about the weak and powerless people on earth. In the beginning it talks about the orphans and then about the Muslim minorities that are living in the land of the disbelievers. The Surah conveys a message of justice and Allah chose women as an example. The Surah talks about justice and it is as if Allah is saying that whoever can establish justice at his home, which is with his wife, and then he can establish justice on earth.

As I have previously mentioned, we should try to understand why a certain name was given to each Surah. This is important as until now, there is not a book in the Islamic library that specializes in analyzing each Surah and the significant of their names.

surah al-'imran

I mentioned how some Surahs were named for the sake of Surat Al-Imran that we are currently discussing. This Surah talks about the period of time between the battle of Badr and the battle of Uhud and the events that occurred afterwards.

Allah gave victory to the Muslims in the battle of Badr for they were selected by Him. When the battle of Uhud came they disobeyed the order of the Prophet (PBUH). Will they no longer be selected then? Allah actually gave them another opportunity to be selected once again not to fall in the same mistake. Hence, Almighty Allah wanted to inform them about the story of this family and His selection for them.

proses penapisan-->qaedah sullba

I wanted to show you that if you have certain characteristics then Allah will select you to be obedient until you pass away. This is the meaning that I want to convey to you in this lesson. We will all further notice this when we go through the events and the meanings of the Surah. Therefore, we started with the verse, "Allah chose". As I have mentioned, Allah chose us as Muslims and His love for us is great when we contemplate on how He has chosen us. Let us see:

  • The population of earth is about six and a half billion. You were selected to be from the one billion and quarter who are Muslims.
  • About half a billion or less of the Muslims don’t pray. You were selected to be with those who pray.
  • From the three fourth of those who pray, you were selected to be from the quarter who pray in mosques.
  • He chose you to keep this selection by attending religious lessons. Surely that is a mercy from Allah, and He supports you by keeping you obedient. For example, if you sinned and repented, Allah will select you again.

Hence, the aim of this lesson is on ways that will help you keep this selection.

Surat Al-Imran was revealed after the battle of Uhud when the companions took off and disobeyed the Prophet’s orders. Allah wanted to show them that they made a mistake and that He wanted to select them once more in order not to err again. Thus, the Surah shows the characteristics of people who are chosen by Allah. This is the environment of the Surah and the main reason for its revelation. Yet, there is also another reason. This Surah has been sent down during the first big clash between the Muslims, Jews and Christian.

There was also a Christian group that came from Nagran, which is a region in Yemen. They came to Madinah to debate with the Prophet about Isa (Jesus). Obviously, these people came from Yemen and had no place to stay in Medina. Hence, the Prophet let them stay at the mosque (imagine his mercy). He built for them a place in the mosque to stay in during their visit to Medina. Can you imagine how forgiving Islam is!. Allah Almighty and the Prophet (PBUH) wanted them to like Islam and this is the aim of Islamic propagation. Allah wanted Surat Al-Imran , with the name of a family from the biggest families of the Jews and Christians, to be sent down during their stay. Allah wanted to show them the importance of this family and its connection with Allah.

bait muslim dari Quran

I am still moved with the fact that the Surah talks about one family. I wonder how our homes are today, and how our youth and their superficial relationships with their families are. I wonder if anyone among us aims to make his family strong and connected to Allah, and to make sure his parents are obedient to Allah. Are those from your main goals?

When you establish your own family, will you strive to build one that is close to Allah? Will you seek to marry a religious partner? We want homes that will be mentioned in the sky not only on the earth. Allah bestows His goodness on families such as the family of Imran who chose a pious wife.

One may wonder what someone who is married and has a family that is far from Allah could do? In such situations it is important to make Du’a (supplication) because it is Allah Who will guide either the wife or husband. Youth should also ask Allah to guide their parents and if they continue to obey their parents then Allah will answer the prayers.

I have seen many examples of such youth who, despite that their religious knowledge was not much, wanted their parents to be guided and have achieved what they wished for through their devotion, their prayers, and their good treatment towards their parents. However, what saddens me is that there are religious youth who have no relationship with their not-so religious parents. I hope that they would try to help them and ask Allah in order to reach a positive result. I certainly wish that our families would become like the family of Imran.

Some might regret their marriage and wish that they would have chosen a better pious person. Hence, whoever wants to marry, please choose carefully and don’t only be satisfied by beauty because a person's internal state is more important. I would like to further clarify that you should not marry any religious girl that is not equal to your social level because the social level is also a part of Islam and religion.

Zainab Bent Gahsh had been divorced from Zayd Ibn-Haretha because there was a difference in their social level. She then married the Prophet (PBUH). Equality is required in religion and social level so they should be close. Yet, the financial issue is not a priority because someone obedient will make you more obedient and will make her family close to yours.

Kisah keluarga Imran

Let us start the events of the story of the family of Imran. This family was in Palestine and the people of Israel were living there which was occupied by the Romans. They were unfair, they hated whoever believed in Allah, and severely punished the people of Israel. As we mentioned before in the story of the Prophet Musa, when the faith increases Palestine becomes liberated. Yet, when faith decreases, Palestine gets occupied once again by a tyrant. In that period of time, people's faith was low and the family of Imran was almost the only believing family in that place. Almost all of the people of Israel were far from Allah while the Romans occupied Palestine.

We will start by Imran’s wife. We will be surprised to know that this woman's devotion will liberate Palestine. From her offspring will come the one who will liberate al-Aqsa mosque. This woman had an old daughter who was married to the Prophet Zakariya who was old as the verse states what can be translated as, "He said: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head” (TMQ, Maryam: 4). He was a Prophet but not a young one. This family was concerned with bringing kids to liberate Palestine and al-Aqsa mosque, especially since their elder daughter had no children.

O youth, after thirty years you will be of Imran’s age and you will wish that you would have done something for Palestine while you were young. Many of those who get older regret that they could not do anything for Palestine while they were younger or that they could not do anything for Islam. Who will do something for the victory of Islam?

Hope is found in the youth of today's nation who will work to benefit this Ummah by calling people to Allah, teaching the holy Qur’an, helping his friends, to advance the Ummah by an invention, and so forth. There are certainly many opportunities and a big hope. The family was concerned with giving birth. This was not the aim itself since they already had a daughter but the aim was far greater than that. Imran and his wife wanted children to liberate al-Aqsa Mosque. There were no youth in the family and they were the only believers in Palestine.

I wonder if our youth today are concerned in their life to give victory to Islam and to witness the statement 'no god but Allah' to fill the earth. This religion is certainly unique because Muhammad’s nation essentially differs from all the previous ones. The previous nations achieved their victories through great miracles. On the other hand, Muhammad’s nation achieved its victory by its youth and women who lived for their religion. With them the miracle can come true and the earth could be changed. There will no longer be any great miracles in our days.

Perceraian hakiki

Victory will come with people who divorce life. That does not mean that they get isolated from life but that they keep it out of our hearts. Look at what the companion Ali when spoke to life, “I have divorced you three times.”

Victory comes when youth divert from their limited aims (marriage, kids and job), which are not necessarily prohibited, to greater ambitions, such as going to the highest level in paradise, and spreading the belief of "no God but Allah" all over the earth. Obviously, this cannot take place in one night. It gradually develops by listening to many lessons, worshipping more, getting closer to Allah, performing Umrah (minor pilgrimage) and Hajj (pilgrimage), and devoted fasting during Ramadan, repenting from the sins, and so forth. Hence, things progress from one development to another until you achieve your dream of seeing Islam glorified.

Al-aqsa milik kita!!!

The concern of Imran's family is religion and not only bearing children. It was the solution to liberate Palestine since there were no other Muslims but they. They were old and so they asked Allah to give them a child who would one day fight and defeat the Romans.

Imran’s wife started asking Allah. Although Imran was a righteous man, her involvement was greater than his which is evident since her story is mentioned in the Qur'an. She was old and her daughter was married to the old Zakariya. Hence, she must be too old. However, her dream was the liberty of al-Aqsa Mosque so she greatly wanted a child.

The surprise came. She felt the baby and as it came in verse 35, she said what can be translated as, “(Remember) when the wife of ‘Imrân said: "O my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services (free from all worldly work; to serve Your Place of worship), so accept this from me. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing." (TMQ, Al-Imran: 35). When she said “to be dedicated for Your services” it means he is for Allah, and we infer that her intention was truly sincere.

O youth, if there is any one devoted among you and honest in his devotion then Allah can change the course of history for him.

Our dedications are usually only for life, but look at her dedications. This was the first time Allah taught us how this lady dedicated something only for Him. She wants the boy to live inside al-Aqsa Mosque until he liberates it. Her intention is clear from the beginning since she will not keep her son but she wants him to live inside al-Aqsa. Thus, the beginning of the liberty of al-Aqsa Mosque is through devoted believers who are successful in their land.

Can you see how precious Islam and al-Aqsa mosque are?

Imran's wife stresses that the child is only for "Your services". This means that he is only Allah so she has no desires for him. He is librated for Allah. The opposite of librated is a slave. Anyone who lives for his desires is a slave to them, “Have you (O Muhammad) seen him who has taken as his ilâh (god) his own vain desire?” (TMQ, Al-Furqan: 43). Not the literal meaning of worship is intended her but some do run after their desires like it's a god, such as those who are endlessly running after money.

If you want to be free, then the Westerners call for freedom and accuse us from the East that we oppress women to wear the scarf, have too many restrictions, and prohibited liberty to spread. On the contrary, they are the slaves because whoever did not belong to Allah only will belong to something else that is less.

For example, someone can be a slave of a certain woman. Another can be a slave of his desires and the other of a cigarette even if he knows how bad it is but he cannot leave it because he is so weak. Hence, the peak of liberty is when you belong to Allah.

The feeblest person on earth is the one who is so far from Allah. A person may be feeble towards wine, cigarettes, drugs or women. The truly liberated person is the one who belongs to Allah. He has no chains. He is free and strong.

1) TMQ=Translation of the Meaning of the Qur'an. This translation is for the realized meaning, so far, of the stated (Surah:Ayah) of the Qur'an. Reading the translated meaning of the Qur'an can never replace reading it in Arabic, the language in which it was revealed. © جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة
This Article may be published and duplicated freely for private purposes, as long as the original source is mentioned.
For all other purposes you need to obtain the prior written approval of the website administration. For info:

p/s: ni baru Part 1 of the Imramites...enjoy the stories. Part 2 is coming soon!

"Dari Allah, Untuk Allah, Kepada Allah"

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::gandum kita::

Dengan nama Allah yang menurunkan hujan dan menghidupkan tanam2an...
Selaut kasih kepada si pengembala Terhebat,'Muhammad bin Abdullah' serta semua peladang2 agama sekalian...

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Masih bergema lantunan suara Syakh Ma'mun memperdengarkan ayat2 suci Al-quran di telinga ini. Unik! Saya suka cara bacaan beliau,senang menyentuh hati. Nada, naik turun yang digunakan + tempo serta tempat berhenti dan sambung beliau seolah2 sedang bercerita, memudahkan kita untuk lebih faham dan zouq dengan setiap pesanan dari Allah, Rabbi wa Rabbukum. Lebih2 lagi dalam solat tarawikh, ketika kita sedang ber'dating' dengan si Dia. Semoga Allah menerima segala amalan kita.

Malam semalam habis sudah satu surah Yusuf, masuk sedikit surah ar-Ra'd. Ya Allah, betapa sukanya hati ini dengan surah yang satu ini. Satu2 nya surah yang hanya mempunyai ayat2 kisah sahaja. Tiada ayat hukum. Namun iktibar dan pengajaran yang boleh dipungut bukan sekerat dua, tetapi bagaikan rintik2 hujan yang turun di Malaysia semasa musim hujan...hehehe...especially kat bahagian2 timur sana... (-->boleh terima ke perumpamaan ni?)
Dengan 111 ayat, tidak cukup 1 ayat=1 pengajaran. Boleh digandakan dua, malah lebih lagi. Bergantung kepada si Pentadabburnya...

Sekadar perkongsian tentang ayat2 ini.

Mimpi Si Raja.

"Yusuf,wahai orang yang sangat dipercaya! Terangkan lah kepada kami (takwil mimpi) tentang 7 ekor sapi betina yang gemuk yang dimakan oleh 7 ekor sapi betina yang kurus, 7 tangkai(gandum) yang hijau dan 7 tangkai yang lainnya yang kering agar aku kembali kepada orang2 itu, agar mereka mengetahui" 12:46

Takwil Si Yusuf

"Dia berkata(Yusuf), "Agar kamu bercucuk tanam 7 tahun (berturut-turut) sebagaimana biasa; kemudian apa yang kamu tuai hendaklah kamu biarkan di tangkainya kecuali sedikit untuk kamu makan" 12:47

dan seterus2nya... amat2 dipohon utk membuka tafsir sendiri utk pemahaman yang lebih mantap!

Sedikit pencerahan kepada ayat kedua ni, ia3ni berkenaan tangkai ataupun dalam bahasa arabnya "sunbulat".Mengikut tafsir, tangkai yang dimaksudkan dari kisah ini adalah tangkai gandum.

Tanaman Jordan

Tanaman gandum tergolong dalam famili rumput dan merupakan tanaman bijian yang kedua terbesar selepas jagung dan diikuti oleh padi.Bukti cari gali tertua bagi penanaman gandum datangnya dari Syria, Jordan, Turki, Armenia, dan Iraq, negara2 Asia Barat. Dulu di Malaysia saya tidak berapa kenal tanaman ini, kini di sini saya berpeluang utk mengenalinya. Bukan di musim panas ini yang pastinya. Tiada gandum di musim panas, apatah lagi tanaman padi. Pastinya tiada langsung di Jordan ini.

boleh dijadikan jerami tuk makanan ternakan jugak

Keistimewaan gandum

Daripada takwil mimpi Si Yusuf, Yusuf telah mengarahkan penduduk Mesir utk menuai hasil tanaman dan meninggalkan sedikit pada tangkainya utk disimpan. Inilah keistimewaannya! Tahukah anda pada tangkai gandum ni banyak biji2 gandum ia3ni "qummah". Sekiranya kita keluarkannya daripada tangkai2, ia akan hanya boleh bertahan selama jangka masa yang pendek. Mungkin sebulan dua sahaja(-->bukan tangkai yang hijau dan belum masak yek) dan selepas itu akan rosak. Tetapi sekiranya kita biarkan biji2 gandum ini kekal didlam tangkainya, ia mampu utk menjadi ranum dan bertahan selama berpuluh2 tahun tanpa rosak. Inilah dia bekalan kepada penduduk2 Mesir utk 7 tahun yang amat sulit selepas itu.

tangkai gandum yang masih hijau dan belum masak

Teringat pada ayat 261 surah al-baqarah

"Perumpamaan orang yang menginfaqkan hartanya pada jalan Allah seperti sebutir biji yang menumbuhkan 7 tangkai, pada setiap tangkai ada seratus biji. Allah melipatgandakan bagi sesiapa yang dikehendaki, dan Allah maha luas maha Mengetahui"

Ayat yang sangat cantik dengan perumpamaan yang sangat indah sekiranya kita mampu membayangkannya. Sebelum ini saya membayangkan biji2 buah2an dengan pokok2 berkayu yang besar. Amat tidak padan! Mungkin akibat persekitaran di Malaysia ditambah2 dengan terjemahan bahasa Melayu yang tidak berapa nak sesuai. Allah menggunakan perkataan " sunbulat" ia3ni tangkai seperti ayat dari surah Yusuf td menunjukkan persamaan jenis tanaman antara kedua ayat ni. Mengantikan biji2 buah2an dengan biji2 gandum, baru dapat mengambarkan perumpamaan ini dengan lebih jelas. Subhannallah... we really need Arab to understand the Qoran... Sekadar sedikit perkongsian, Selamat me'Ramadhan' kan diri!

p/s: Untuk bayangan dan gambaran yang lebih jelas, sila cari mana2 tangkai gandum berdekatan anda. Sekian!

*tambahan*- sebagai alternatif, sesiapa yang belum menonton movie tentang nabi yusuf ni, bolehlah carii kat youtube yek... title- joseph'king of dream'-oleh dreamworks atau tentang nabi musa.. title- prince of egypt-oleh dreamworks jugak... selamat menonton!

"Dari Allah, Untuk Allah, Kepada Allah"

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.::kita sahabat?::.

Dengan nama Allah yang Mengetahui segala yang zahir dan batin...
Salam sayang buat kekasih hati,benar2 kasih... hanya 'Muhammad bin Abdullah'. Semoga dia juga mengasihi diri ini...serta semua sahabat2 yang di rindui...

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Entry kali ini khas hanya utk sahabat2ku... (tolong baca!)

Walaupun akal dan mata mendesak supaya tangguhkan niat menulis, namun hati ini tidak dapat ditahan lagi. Takut hilang perasaan yang merajai hati pada saat ini. Kepada 'awak', entry kali ini dinukil jujur dari hati saya sebagai seorang yang masih mencuba menjadi sahabat yang terbaik. (Saya harap 'awak' membacanya dan cuba memahaminya...)

"Harimau dikenali dengan belangnya, manusia pula dikenali dengan ragamnya"

Banyak manusia, banyak ragam, banyak hati, banyak akal. Malam ini, sedikit masa dicuri utk menyempurnakan misi masa cuti saya. Untuk membaca entri2 blog sahabat2 yang dahulu dan saya baru usai membaca blog 'awak'. Pelikkan? Mungkin ada yang berkata,

"Dah tak ada kerja lain la tu..Buang masa betul!"
"Awak ni medic student tau tak? Banyak lagi benda berfaedah yang perlu di utamakan la..."
"Apa kena la dengan budak ni..."

Suatu masa dahulu, saya pernah menjadi orang yang mempunyai fikiran yang begini... merasakan membaca blog2 orang adalah perbuatan sia2 dan mencuri masa emas yang sepatutnya digunakan utk perkara 'wajib' yang lebih penting. Lebih2 lagi blog2 mereka yang bercerita tentang diri sendiri, jadual harian diri, perasaan hati tiap2 hari dan semua yang berkaitan dengan diri sendiri pada tiap2 hari. Tapi itu dulu...saya punya perspektif sedikit berbeza sekarang.

Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan diri saya dan diri awak juga!!! Sedar akan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang hamba Allah yang juga seorang sahabat, hari demi hari saya semakin dicelikkan tentang hakikat manusia2 di sekeliling saya berbeza2. Ada di kalangan sahabat2 saya yang sangat peramah dan senang utk masuk berbual dan bergelak tawa dengan orang lain walaupun pada kali pertama pertemuan. Ada juga sahabat2 saya yang sangat penyenyap dan sukar utk didekati walaupun berkali2 pertemuan. Ada juga sahabat2 yang hanya menjadi penyenyap apabila dengan saya tetapi bermesra, bersuka ria bersama sahabat2 rapatnya. Memang sengaja Allah menciptakan manusia itu dengan berbagai ragam. Terima kasih Allah!

Ada dikalangan sahabat saya yang sukar/sengaja tidak berkata2 melalui mulut mereka tetapi lebih gemar mencurahkan segala isi hati+ idea2+ pandangan+pengalaman hidup menggunakan jari2 mereka sahaja. Saya tahu ini. Jujur saya katakan saya hanyalah seorang hamba yang sangat lemah dan tidak sempurna.Tidak kisahlah apa sahaja yang anda fikir tentang saya. Jumud, syadid, hipokrit, skema... ataupun mungkin Bising, menyibuk, Hangat2 tahi ayam, tidak ikhlas... Tetapi jujur dari hati yang juga dalam proses pembersihan ini, saya benar2 ingin menjadi sahabat anda semua. Sahabat yang dapat berkongsi suka duka. Sahabat yang mampu membantu dalam kesusahan. Sahabat yang membawa kepada Tuhan. Sahabat yang 2 hala. Sahabat di dunia dan akhirat nnti. Walaupun benar2 sedar diri penuh kekurangan...

Lama jugak saya berfikir tentang tindakan men'create' blog ini. Tulus dari hati, salah satu tujuan dan niat wujudnya blog ini adalah untuk mengenali 'awak!' insan yang memilih blog sebagai tempat mengadu dan menceritakan segala isi hati. Saya ingin lebih mengenali awak, memahami awak, berkawan dengan awak dan bersahabat dengan awak. Maaflah saya insan lemah yang punya perasaan malu dan rendah diri juga. Saya cuba untuk masuk dan berkawan, be-friendly kepada semua orang, tapi kadang2 saya tidak mampu. Kerana manusia itu banyak ragamnya.
Maka, saya hendak cuba cara ini pulak. Bersahabat melalui blog. Berkongsi suka duka melalui blog. kerana mungkin ini sesuai dengan awak... sudi ke awak?

Dan saya juga ingin menyusun sepuluh jari kepada semua sahabat2 yang amat2 dikasihi. Dekat mahupun jauh. Lama mahupun baru. Still contact mahupun tidak. Maafkanlah diri ini yang serba kekurangan atas segala hak2 yang tidak tertunai kerana tidak pernah mencuba atau mungkin gagal dalam percubaan. dan atas segala salap silap perkataan mahupun tindak tanduk yang melukakan hati kalian..serius! kadang2 naifnya diri ini menyebabkan saya tidak sedar bahawa perbuatan/perkataan saya ini meguris hati orang2 di sekeliling. Harap dapat Beri saya masa untuk belajar. Sesungguhnya kita punya contoh teladan sepanjang zaman. Ukhwah nabi dan sahabat2... sahabat bersama sahabat2... semoga kita semua saling sentiasa mencuba untuk ke arah itu... Harapan tahun baru ini, semoga ukhwah dan persahabatan kita semakin rapat dan erat. Harap awak tidak hanya jadi penyenyap di hadapan saya sahaja lagi..hehehe

bersama berpimpinan tangan

harapan baru utk kita?

p/s: sahabat2 saya= sahabat2 se'gender' dan tiada kena mengena langsung dengan yang tidak ada kena mengena. Harap maklum.

"Dari Allah,Untuk Allah,Kepada Allah"

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.::Qatayf kita::.

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Melihat lagi Maha Mengetahui...
Seluhur kasih buat insan yang punya syafaat di hari nanti 'Muhammad bin Abdullah' dan semua yang mendambakan syafaatnya di hari akhirat nanti...

Assalamualaikum wbt... semua pembaca dimana jua anda berada...

Semalaman saya ber'Ramadhan' di rumah Arab,pulang sudah. Nampaknya, cuti kali ini penuh dgn jemputan2 sahabat Arab ke rumah mereka sahajalah... Hasrat hati ingin sahaja pergi berjalan jauh atas muka bumi ini setidak2nya ke Syria ... melihat dan memerhatikan ciptaan Allah serta kesan2 sejarah orang terdahulu. Nak jadikan tenaga berkurang lantaran berpuasa sebagai alasan, pastinya amat memalukan dan menjatuhkan nama baik ibadah 'puasa' itu sendiri. Mungkin masa yang amat padat ditambah dengan misi penjimatan wang utk masa2 hadapan merupakan faktor utama tidak keluarnya saya dari kepompong jordan ini sepanjang cuti kali ini.(-->physically only yek). Benarlah nikmat masa lapang dan sihat ini merupakan nikmat yang paling sering dilupai oleh insan2 seperti kita ini. Semoga Allah mengurniakan masa yang barakah kepada kita... masa sedikit yang berkualiti jauh lebih baik dariapada masa banyak yang tidak berkualiti...

..Cik kucing kita pun puasa gak..
"Sibuk!!! sibuk!!! asyik2 ada kerja sahaja. Saya tak faham la dengan awak ini..." akhirnya sahabat Arab saya memuntahkan isi hatinya.

Tersenyum saya mendengar cerminan hatinya. Dia pelik, saya pun pelik. Pelik dia kerana saya selalu ada kerja, pelik lagi saya kerana kepelikannya. Bukankah dengan taklifan2 yang kita ada sekarang sudah cukup utk membuatkan kita sentiasa ada kerja? Bukan sekali ini dia mengajak saya kerumahnya, malah berkali2, cuma masa benar2 tidak mengizinkan saya. Sentiasa sibuk dan ada urusan yang memerlukan perhatian. Bukan hati tidak sudi, tapi kerja banyak menanti. Syukurlah ada juga ruang utk saya singgah bermalam di rumahnya kali ini. Sebelum pulang, dia menawarkan saya utk bermalam sehari lagi. Alamak!!! Teringat list-to-do yang masih tidak selesai2 sedangkan masa cuti sudah hampir tiba ke penghujung. Betullah kata orang, masa cuti la sebenarnya tak bercuti. Benarlah...

"Kewajipan itu lebih banyak daripada waktu yang ada"

negara puasa VS negara tak puasa
Bagi kita yang tinggal di negara Islam ini, suasana pada bulan ini amat berbeza dari bulan2 yang lain. Semuanya bakal diubah. Lebih2 lagi dari segi masa bekerja/belajar. Al-maklumlah, boleh dikatakan 90% ia3ni majoriti daripada rakyat Jordan ini beragama Islam. Kanan, kiri semua pun berpuasa. Kelas pengajian saya sebagai second year medical student akan bermula ahad ini. Maknanya Kelas akan bermula dalam bulan Ramadhan, pastinya jarum2 jam bakal di'laju'kan. Masa akan menjadi lebih singkat daripada yang selalunya yang sememangnya telah pun singkat. Berbeza sungguh bagi yang tinggal di negara bukan Islam, mereka perlu mujahadah untuk menghidupkan Ramadhan di tengah-tengah lautan manusia yang langsung tidak puasa, bahkan tidak percayakan Allah pun. Hidup manusia2 ini tidak berbeza walau sekelumit pun pada bulan ini. Masa bekerja yang sememangnya panjang akan kekal panjang.

Alahai umat islamku, apalah agaknya yang bakal difikir oleh pelancong2 dari negara2 membangun yang bukan Islam ini sekiranya mereka datang ke sini pada bulan ramadhan...

Cerita baru
Satu perkara lama bagi orang lain mungkin, tetapi baru bagi saya. Setelah setahun di Jordan, akhirnya baru saya tau cara makan 'Qatayf' bersama 'Qisytah' yang sebenar semalam...hehehe... Makluman awal, 'Qatayf' a.k.a lempeng kecil adalah makanan khas orang2 Arab sempena Ramadhan. 'Qisytah' a.k.a cream (lebih kurang la) adalah jem yang selalu disertakan bersama yang terdapat bermacam2 jenis perisa seperti madu, strawberi dll. Jujurnya, Qatayf dan Qisytah adalah pasangan yang amat tidak sepadan bagi saya kerana kedua2nya tawar. Agak tidak berperasaan dan tidak bermakna utk reseptor2 di lidah. Maka,seringkali saya mengantikan 'Qisytah' dengan jem 'Coklat' yang lazat berkrim.

cara2 Qatayf ini dibuat... " mari2,sekilo jd0.800 sapa nak beli? "

Bertandang ke rumah Arab dan serba sedikit membantunya memasak akhirnya menyedarkan mata dan mulut saya yang selama ini tersilap, rupa2nya 'Qatayf' yang telah disalut dengan 'Qisytah' pada awalnya perlulah kemudiannya dilipat seperti ala2 karipap dan kemudiannya digoreng didalam minyak panas... hehehe... selepas siap ditos habis2an 'Qatayf' yang sudah menjadi adik-beradik karipap perlulah dicelup didalam air gula Arabi. ( --> 1 cawan gula+ 3/4 cawan air+ titisan2 limau) menjadikannya manis dan sedap dimakan. Malah, kelapa ataupun kacang2an boleh mengantikan tempat 'Qisytah' mengikut selera masing2. selamat mencuba semua!!!

karipap kuih asasi malaysia!

karipap versi arabi!!!

selamat berbuka puasa semua!!! Ramadhan Kareem...
"Sempena Ihya' Ramadan 1429H"

"Dari Allah, Untuk Allah, Kepada Allah"

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.::wishlists ramadhan::.

Dengan nama Allah yang mengurniakan rezeki utk kita berbuka puasa ramadhan ini...
Setulus rindu buat pemimpin segala pemimpin, 'Muhammad bin Abdullah' dan semua pengunjung yang dirahmati sekalian...

Assalamualaikum wbt... kif imanikum jame3an?

-ruh ramadhan- jiwa ramadhan- hati ramadhan- jasad ramadhan- otak ramadhan-

kullu ramadhan!!!

...wishlists ramadhanku...

1. Ya Allah, terimalah segala amal ibadah kami sepanjang ramadhan ini dan jadikanlah kami dari golongan hamba2mu yang benar2 ikhlas beramal.

2.Ya Allah, jadikanlah puasa kami seperti puasa nabi2 terdahulu yang melahirkan ketaqwaan dan sbg persiapan dan anjakan paradigma utk menghadapi 11 bulan yang seterusnya.

3. Ya Allah, rezekikanlah kami dengan kesempatan membaca Al Quran, kalammu pada waktu siang dan malam.

4.Ya Allah, kejutkan lah kami pada 1/3 malam, atau 2/3 malam, moga kami dapat bertahajjud, kerana itu sumber kekuatan.

4. Ya Allah, bantulah kami mendidik hawa nafsu yang jahat agar kami dapat merasai kemanisan iman dan kelazatan beribadat kepadamu.

5. Ya Allah, ingatkanlah kami agar sentiasa besederhana ketika berbuka dan bersahur agar sekurang2nya 1/3 daripada perut kami adalah makanan, 1/3 utk minuman dan 1/3 lagi utk udara.

6. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kekhusyukkan dan keasyikan dalam setiap solat yg dipersembahkan agar kami tidak mensia2kannya.

7. Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kekuatan utk menjaga setiap pancaindera kami dari maksiat zahir dan batin agar puasa kami bukan sekadar lapar dan dahaga.

8. Ya Allah, dekatkanlah kami dengan orang2 yang beriman dan kurniakanlah kami sahabat2 yang baik, sama2 membantu memperjuangkan agamamu atas muka bumi ini.

9.Ya Allah, kurniakan kami hati yang tenang, khusyuk, bersih, selamat dari penyakit2 hati yang menjadi hijab antara kami dan Engkau.

10.Ya Allah, pertemukanlah kami dengan malam LailatulQadr, malam kemuliaan yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan.


"Sempena ihya' Ramadhan o8/09"

"Dari Allah,Untuk Allah, Kepada Allah"

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.:: Ihya' Ramadhanku::.

Dengan nama Allah tuhan Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, dan tuhan Muhammad..
Sekuhur kasih buat hamba yang paling bersyukur, 'Muhammad Bin Abdullah' dan homo- imanikus2 sekalian...

Assalamualaikum wbt... irbed wake up!!!

... jom Ihya'kan ramadhan kita...

Ihya Ramadhan 1429h


(Raihan feat Manbai)

Kumengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna

agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna

selangkah demi selangkah

setahun sudah pun berlalu

masa yang pantas berlalu

hingga tak terasaku berada di Bulan Ramadhan semula

Puasa satu amalan sebagaimana yang diperintahNya

moga dapat kulenturkan nafsu

yang selalu membelenggu diri tiada henti-henti

Tak ingin kubiarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja

Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah

mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar

Kumemohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan

kumerayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan

Selangkah demi selangkah

dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku kutempuh jua

Tafaquh Khas Ramadhan

"Katakanlah: Adakah sama orang yang mengetahui dengan orang yang tidak mengetahui? Az-Zumar : 9

"Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya ilmu itu dengan belajar, dan kefahaman itu dengan usaha memperdalamkan ke-fahaman. Siapa yang dikehendaki Allah (mendapat) kebajikan Allah akan menjadikannya faham tentang agama. Dgn sesungguhnya hamba Allah yang takut kepadaNya ialah para ulamak. "

"Ilmu yang sedikit lebih baik dari ibadat yang banyak. Cukuplah kefahaman seseorang itu dengan dia mengabdi diri kepada Allah, dan cukuplah kejahilan bagi seseorang apabila beliau kagum dengan pendapatnya sendiri. "

Qiamullail Perdana Ramadhan

"Iman itu bukan dengan angan-angan dan bukan (juga) dengan perhiasan, tetapi (iman itu) ialah apa yang termetri dalam hati dan dibuktikan oleh amal. " Riwayat ad-Dailami dalam Musnad al-Firdaus.

Tayangan Movie Ramadhan

"Tidakkah bani Adam itu memenuhkan bijana (bekas) lebih jahat dari perutnya. Cukuplah bagi anak Adam beberapa suap makanan yang dapat menegakkan tubuhnya.Kalau beliau terpaksa melakukannya, (biarlah) satu per-tiga (1/3 perutnya) untuk makanannya, satu pertiga (1/3 perutnya) untuk minumannya dan satu pertiga (1/3 perutnya) lagi untuk nyawanya. " Riwayat at-Tarmizi.

~Andai ini Ramadhan Terakhirku~

p/s:sebarang pertanyaan,kemusykilan persoalan mahupun makluman boleh disertakan dibahagian "comment sahabat" k... amat dialu2kan...

"Dari Allah, Untuk Allah, Kepada Allah"

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